Tourism Development

Tourism & Economic Development Programs and Projects

Announcement: Best Community Marketing Program Winner

2022 Canadian Prestige Awards
2022 BCEDA Awards


We believe that when you provide the right platforms, tools, techniques and supports to the right people with the right attitude,  success will follow.

Community Influencers

A group of locals who participate in posting current events, stories, photos and videos to the website and the Nicola Valley Travel Talk Community. Real people, real adventures in real time. (meet influencers)


Experience Merritt

Award winning interactive travel booking and planning website with over 60+ information pages with tourism business listings, attractions, restaurants, art, maps, videos, road cams, events, radio and community influencers on over 35+ summer and winter activities. (visit website)

Experience Nicola Valley

Locals, now award winning bloggers, write stories, take photos and make videos about the adventures, activities, events, businesses, etc in Merritt, BC and throughout the Nicola Valley. Group meets monthly and learns new skills about online marketing and social media. (learn more)

Travel Talk Community

Real time scrolling community feed listing the authentic content submitted by influencers and participating businesses, clubs, attractions, adventure groups, including events, stories, photos, videos and more. (visit community feed)

Moose Academy

We are always sharing knowledge and skills with our members. Professor Moose of the Moose Academy is an online training resource with courses and lessons about content marketing, search engines and social media. Learn on your time. (visit the academy)

Talk Show

Enjoy one of the 75+ talk shows with Experience Nicola Valley Bloggers and Influencers as your host. Each show talks with a special guest from the community about their events, association, group, business or non profit. (visit talk show)


Planning, hosting, managing, participating and partnering with others on projects which enhance our tourism footprint locally, regionally, nationally and internationally

Miss Tourism Canada

Tourism Nicola Valley invited Miss Tourism Canada to the Nicola Valley to experience our adventures and to meet our local tourism groups and attractions.

Fundraiser Telethon

When times are tough, people come together. Merritt experienced devastating floods in November of 2021. Tourism Nicola Valley created the Hell or High Water Fundraiser and Concert with over 50+ local, regional, national and international musicians.


Tourism Nicola Valley have worked with broadcast studios and various television media outlets including a Fishing TV Show and during the Hell or High Water Fundraiser.

Highway Billboard Signs

Two highway billboard signs located at two major entrances to the community of Merritt BC Canada. The billboards promote our Nicola Valley 4 Adventure Seasons.


Tourism Nicola Valley holds various contests throughout the year celebrating our tourism seasons, groups, clubs and businesses. Contests allow the locals to show why they enjoy living, working and playing in the Nicola Valley. 

Community Partners

Canada Travel
Merritt Snowmobile Club
Walk of Stars
Community Futures Nicola Valley
Merritt Mountain Biking Association
City of Merritt

Want an ENV Membership?

Take control of your marketing online without huge advertising fees. Use your creative skills to benefit your interests. Target your marketing. Take advantage of the many marketing initiatives around town. The benefits of membership to our club is proven, effective and economical. And we are just getting started.